Tue, Feb 07
|Virtual Event via Zoom
Book Study: The Girl's Study Still Got It by Curtis Higgs
Led by: Sister Christine Hilliard, CSJ & Sister Karin Nürnberg, CSJ Presented by The Center for Spiritual Development
Time & Location
Feb 07, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Virtual Event via Zoom
About the event
In the month of February, you are invited to an online four-session book study featuring Published in 2012 by best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs, this book continues to fascinate readers today. The author’s vivid style and conversational approach make the ancient story of Ruth from the Bible very relatable for contemporary readers. In addition, Higgs sheds light on cultural aspects of Ruth’s time that sometimes remain obscured for the modern reader.The Girl’s Still Gotit: Take a Walk with Ruth and the God who Rocked Her World. New York Times
The four weeks of the book study correspond to the four chapters of the Book of Ruth. Using the Bible and Higgs’ book, we are invited to get to know Ruth better. We may even detect how the story is applicable for our own lives and how God rocks our world.
About the Presenters:
has been a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange for 57 years. She holds a master’s degree in theology from St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN. After teaching in elementary and high schools, she shifted to working with adults in their faith formation through teaching, spiritual direction, and retreats. Among the topics she enjoys sharing are Scripture, prayer, spirituality, Church history, and the saints. Currently Sr. Christine continues in her ministries while serving as assistant director for the Center for Spiritual Development.Sister Christine Hilliard, CSJ,
studied social work in Germany where she worked with children and youth from broken families and with adults with developmental disabilities. Later she helped start the L’Arche community in Orange County. Sr. Karin is a graduate from Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange and of the Art of Spiritual Direction Program offered jointly by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange and LMU’s Center for Religion and Spirituality. Upon graduating from Loyola Marymount University with an MA in theology in 2017, Sr. Karin joined the staff of the Center for Spiritual Development. There she serves as spiritual director and presenter as well as the Program and Marketing Manager. Directing on retreats and editing the Daily Reflections are among her favorite tasks.Sister Karin Nürnberg, CSJ,
This book study will be held via Zoom only. A Zoom link will be sent a few days before the event. If you do not receive the email with the link, please check your spam / junk mail folder. For questions, please call (714) 744-3172 or emailthecsd@csjorange.org
The registration is for the entire series: February 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th.