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Apply now for the 2025-2026 Healthcare Foundation Grants! +Apply Now

Healthcare Foundation

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange Healthcare Foundation was established in 1992 by a charitable contribution when Health Plan of America, an HMO owned by St. Joseph Health System, was sold.  The Foundation supports programs consistent with the Mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.  Over $50 million has been awarded since the Foundation’s inception to meet the needs of the dear neighbor.

Geographical Areas of Focus

The Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation is a non-profit, public benefit corporation, which addresses the needs of the working and indigent poor in Southern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Humboldt County.  Starting in 2024 and for the next several years, the Foundation will focus on its grant-making in the following six counties – Alameda, Humboldt, Imperial, Orange, San Bernardino and Sonoma counties. 


  • Housing Security

  • Food Security

  • Family Violence Prevention


Priority Population:  Families with children ages 0-18 sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; staying in motels, trailer parks, or camp grounds due to the lack of an adequate alternative; staying in shelters or transitional housing; or sleeping in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, or similar settings.

Philosophical Statement

The Foundation makes grants that address the needs of economically poor and vulnerable populations with a priority on families of children meeting McKinney-Vento eligibility criteria impacting health within the following six counties in California – Alameda, Humboldt, Imperial, Orange, San Bernardino, and Sonoma counties. We address the social determinants of health with a commitment to equity and desire to fund programs and organizations that:

  • Provide prevention strategies to priorities of the Foundation

  • Support and transform the individual, social, economic, institutional, and cultural aspects of communities.

  • Promote change within larger societal systems to benefit low-income and at-risk populations.

  • Ensure that all served are respected, valued and free to reach their full potential in life.


When appropriate and possible, we will collaborate with other funders and community resources whose program areas provide synergy that will result in greater impact.

Image by Joel Muniz
Image by Joel Muniz

Grantmaking Information

The Foundation in 2024 will award general operating support grants up to $60,000 over two years  (maximum $30,000 per year) that seek to impact the Foundation’s three priority areas, providing service in our six target counties. Priority will be given to organizations serving families with children who meet McKinney-Vento eligibility criteria. 


Grant application information is available on our website on January 15 of each year, with grant applications due by February 15 each year on the online platform. Applicants will be notified in May of each year, with successful applicants awarded checks by June of each year.

Special Project Grants

Special project grants are by invitation only.  These focus on strategic system and policy change efforts that address one of the three Foundation priorities.  Grants are for up to three years with a maximum award of $100,000 per year.   The Foundation awarded  three grants in 2023 that are expected to continue and will not award new special project grants in 2024.


Financial Information

The Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation is a steward of funds that benefit the community.  As such, the Foundation presents the most up-to-date financial information.


Apply Now!

To get started, click the button below.  The application period will open January 15, 2025 with applications due by February 15, 2025. All potential applicants must  pass an eligibility quiz to access the application. Further details on the process and schedule for grants awarded by June 30, 2025 are included within the Application. Send questions and feedback to


Grants Awarded

Click below to see the list of grants that we have awarded over the last few years!


Do you have questions about receiving a grant from the CSJ Healthcare Foundation?

Please Contact:


Barry Ross, Executive Director, Justice Partnerships 

Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange

440 South Batavia Street

Orange, CA 92868-3998


T: (714) 633-8121 ext. 7109

C: (714) 656-5274

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